Teachers Teammates
Regular price
ACCEPTED DONATION LIST: We are looking for clean, safe and interesting donations that will support our
local teachers and students while at the same time preserving our environment. Please note: All donations
must be in good working order, readily usable without assembly or repair, free of dirt, mold, water damage
or pet hair.
2-Pocket Folders
Notebooks: wide and college rule, Composition and
Single Subject Spiral
Filler Paper, wide and college rule
Wrapping, Construction, Newsprint, Sketch Books
Matte, Poster & Foam Boards
Reams of copy paper
Legal Pads and Steno Books
Books: K-12, all kinds (not text books)
Washable Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils,
Highlighters, Dry Erase Markers, #2 Pencils, Erasers
(pencil top & wedge), Pens, Sharpies
Rulers, Protractors, Compasses
Working Calculators
Pencil Pouches and Backpacks
Glue Sticks and Glue Bottles
Pencil Sharpeners (hand held and electric)
Lap size Whiteboards, whiteboard erasers
Craft kits and misc. crafting items
Notions (buttons, ribbon, trim, rickrack, yarn, thread,
zippers, etc.)
Toner cartridges (new and used)
Jewelry, beads (broken is ok)
Paint and Brushes
Desktop Accessories, staplers, tape dispensers and
3-ring binders
File folders including hanging folders
Ziploc bags all sizes: new and used but clean
Reusable bags: brown paper, canvas
Plastic Storage Bins